Garden Cabins | Our Top Five

Mattinson Associates, Architects & Interior Designers Isle of Wight, have curated their top five Garden Cabins that can be used as offices, playrooms or even gyms. Slide through to see our favourites.Our homes are shifting from places of sanctuary to temporary offices, schools and gyms. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be sharing our #toptips to dealing with the overwhelming situation around us - whether it’s exercises to reduce your anxiety or technology to make working from home that little bit easier. So, to start, we have been looking into contemporary and architecturally inspirational garden cabins to use as an office space this spring.If you would like any further information or think it might be something you’re in need of, contact us to see how we can help. #mattinsonassociates


New Remote Interior Design Services | From Paint Consultancy to Spatial Arrangements


Completed Project | Black Leaf House